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Apex Bird Box

  • This bird box is designed to provide a comfortable home for most common garden birds.
  • Nesting box is available in three different hole sizes to allow you to select the hole size for the species you want to attract.
  • Constructed from sustainably sourced, precision cut, redwood panels treated with water based environmentally friendly preservative.
  • Pivoting side door to provide easy access for cleaning etc.

£22.00 excl. VAT £26.40 inc. VAT

  • Apex Bird Box
  • Apex Bird Box
  • Apex Bird Box
  • Apex Bird Box
  • Apex Bird Box
  • Apex Bird Box

As natural sites are becoming more scarce why not encourage birds to nest in your garden by providing them with a comfortable bird box? Hand made in our workshop in the UK, this box provides a space for most common garden birds to nest in. 

These nesting boxes for birds are available in three hole sizes 25mm, 28mm and 32mm to suite different species of birds. The 25mm hole is primarily suitable for the smallest tit species i.e. Blue Tit, Coal Tit and Marsh Tit whilst the 28mm will attract all these species but the hole is also large enough for Great Tits, Crested Tits and Tree Sparrows. The larger 32mm will attract a large range of species including Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Marsh Tit, House Sparrow, Great Tit, Nuthatch and Pied Flycatcher.

These bird nest boxes are constructed from precision cut European softwood and have been treated with an environmentally friendly preservative which is kind to the birds but helps ensure a long lasting dry and comfortable nest box. Fixing to the wall or tree is easy with a concealed mounting hole in the back of the box (located opposite the entrance hole for easy access). Access to the box for cleaning etc. is provided with a pivoting side door which is secured with a single stainless steel screw.

Product Apex Bird Box
Variations Entrance hole: 25mm, 28mm, 32mm
Material European Redwood
Construction Panels stapled together with surface sunk staples.
Finish Non-toxic water based stain and preservative
Dimensions Overall height: 23.5cm, Overall width: 20cm, Overall Depth: 16.5cm
Weight 1.5kg
Fixing 1 hole in back panel


For further details of the Apex Bird Box please see the Data Sheet

Apex Bird Box

Hole Plates

from £2.58 - £22.20

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