Monitor the success of birds in your nestboxes with the BTOs Nest Box Challenge
Posted: Apr 14 2016
Spring has certainly sprung around our offices and workshops with Blue Tits, Great Tits, House Sparrows, Robins and Blackbirds all very busy nest building and displaying. As you can imagine we have quite a few nestboxes which we've put up on our buildings and we take a keen interest in whats going on in the different boxes. As part of keeping an eye on our boxes we’ll be taking part in the BTO's (British Trust for Ornithology) Nest Box Challenge again this year.
Have you thought of doing it yourself this year? It’s a really simple survey of nests that everyone can take part in and a great way to make the most of the nest boxes in your garden. The survey covers both nests in boxes and nests found in the open and provides the BTO with valuable information about how the breeding season is progressing across the county. For more information and to take part check out the BTO website (