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Integrated Bat Boxes now available in black

Posted: May 24 2017

Black integrated bat box brickWe’ve just introduced a new black variant of our built in bat boxes. This follows several requests from customers for integrated bat boxes with a black front panel rather than the usual brick or green coloured ones. After producing these black boxes as a custom order we’ve now added black as one of our standard colours which we keep in stock. The Integrated Eco Bat Boxes are already available with either brick or green coloured front panels so the black front just gives a bit more choice as to what will look best on your building.

Integrated bat box wood claddingThese boxes are designed to be integrated into brickwork, stonework, cladding or external insulation to provide a permanent roost space for bats. The boxes are constructed from a recycled plastic outer shell to provide a long-lasting, weather proof box whilst internally the bats are provided with a wooden roost chamber. In the UK, different bat species have different roost requirements, so to accommodate as wide a range of bats as possible, the box is available in two variants, with either a crevice or cavity roost chamber. The boxes shouldn’t require any maintenance as they’ve been made with a clever series of baffles to ensure they are self-cleaning with bat droppings simply falling out of the entrance slot.

Integrated eco bat boxFor more information or to buy one of our boxes please click on INTEGRATED ECO BAT BOX

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