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Hedgehogs will soon be hibernating!

Posted: Oct 20 2016


European hedgehogAs we head into autumn and the days become colder any hedgehogs you have in your garden will be starting to think about hibernating. Hedgehogs have been having a hard time recently with current estimates suggesting that numbers have declined by as much as a third across the UK in just the last 10 years. There seem to be a number of factors causing the decline but they currently need all the help they can get. One of the ways you can give any hedgehogs in your garden a helping hand is by providing somewhere they can hibernate. This can either be by creating a natural feature such as a compost heap or log pile or providing an artificial hedgehog house (or hedgehog hibernation home) for them to use.

Eco Hedgehog HouseIf you’ve got a hedgehog box in your garden already, now would be an ideal time to give it a quick clean out. It’s before any hedgehogs are likely to start hibernating but after any litters raised in the box have been weaned. Before you give your box a clean out its always worth checking if it’s being used - if a box is already being used its best not to disturb it. If you are not sure if a box is being used or not, then we like to screw up some newspaper in a ball and leave it over the entrance hole overnight. If it’s still there the next day, then you’re probably safe to assume that there’s not a hedgehog using the box. To clean out the box remove all bedding material then give it a good wash with hot water to remove and kill any bugs or beasties living in the box. Once its clean and dry, you can give any future residents a helping hand by putting in a bit of bedding in the box to get them started. Hay, straw and dry leaves all work well. As well as putting some bedding in the box it’s also a good idea to leave a pile of leaves near any boxes so the hedgehogs can add to the nest you’ve started for them.

We produce two hedgehog boxes, which are particularly popular at this time of the year: a traditional wooden box (the Hedgehog Nest Box) and the newly launched Eco Hedgehog Nest Box made from 100% recycled plastic. Both can be tucked away in a quiet corner of your garden to provide somewhere for hedgehogs to hibernate.

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